tea.shell Module

This module mimics some of the behaviors of the builtin shutil module, adding logging to all operations and abstracting some other useful shell commands (functions).

tea.shell.split(s, posix=True)[source]

Split the string s using shell-like syntax

tea.shell.search(path, matcher='*', dirs=False, files=True)[source]

Recursive search function.

  • path – path to search recursively
  • matcher – string pattern to search for or function that returns True/False for a file argument
  • dirs – if True returns directories that match the pattern
  • files – if True returns files that match the patter

Change the current working directory

tea.shell.goto(*args, **kwds)[source]

Context object for changing directory.


>>> with goto(directory) as ok:
...     if not ok:
...         print 'Error'
...     else:
...         print 'All OK'
tea.shell.mkdir(path[, mode=0755])[source]

Create a leaf directory and all intermediate ones. Works like mkdir, except that any intermediate path segment (not just the rightmost) will be created if it does not exist. This is recursive.

  • path (str) – directory to create
  • mode (int) – directory mode
  • delete (bool) – delete directory/file if exists
Return type:



True if succeeded else False

tea.shell.copy(source, destination)[source]

Copy file or directory

tea.shell.gcopy(pattern, destination)[source]

Copy all file found by glob.glob(pattern) to destination directory

tea.shell.move(source, destination)[source]

Recursively move a file or directory to another location.

If the destination is on our current file system, then simply use rename. Otherwise, copy source to the destination and then remove source.

  • source (str) – Source file or directory (file or directory to move).
  • destination (str) – Destination file or directory (where to move).
Return type:



True if the operation is successful, False otherwise.

tea.shell.gmove(pattern, destination)[source]

Move all file found by glob.glob(pattern) to destination directory


Delete a file or directory

Parameters:path (str) – Path to the file or directory that needs to be deleted.
Return type:bool
Returns:True if the operation is successful, False otherwise.

Remove all file found by glob.glob(pattern)

Parameters:pattern (str) – Pattern of files to remove
tea.shell.touch(path, content='', encoding='utf-8')[source]

Create a file at the given path if it does not already exists.

  • path (str) – Path to the file.
  • content (str) – Optional content that will be written in the file.
  • encoding (str) – Encoding in which to write the content. Default: utf-8